1-1-2011 t/m 31-12-2011
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T Sent Djons Zerera de l´Iliade et l´Odyssée

R Sent Djons Zenturion

R Sent Djons Zefej

T Sent Djons Zariza Tamara

T Sent Djons Zarevna Lebed

R Sent Djons Ziklamen

T Kenamu Bellatraika Merrybear

T Kenamu Bring Me Sunshine

R Kenamu Bravo Master

R Kenamu Break The Mould Merrybear

R Oskar vom Aichemer Berg

T Osira vom Aichemer Berg

T Once Upon A Little Rosie vom Aichemer Berg

T Our Sunshine Shania vom Aichemer Berg

T Our Sunshine Shania vom Aichemer Berg

T Holle of the Weeping Willow

T Pardijntje of the Weeping Willow

R Bolle Gijs of the Weeping Willow

R Bolle Gijs of the Weeping Willow

R Orso-Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R Gabin de la Bessière de Javol

R Gericault de la Bessière de Javol

T Rosarita Ann v. Tiroca

T Rosarita Ann v. Tiroca

T New Angels Kiss Me Bell

R New Angels Kiss The Boy

R New Angels Kiss The Boy

R New Angels Knoxx

R Chounic's Jeeves

R Chounic's James

R Chounic's James

R Chounic's James

T Lambada from the Black Horse

T Lambada from the Black Horse

T Lambada from the Black Horse

T Lisa from the Black Horse

T Lisa from the Black Horse

R Bear-Acres Rhythm And Blues

R Vlinder's Quercus uit het Berenbos

R Baldev uut oons Berehuus

R Baldev uut oons Berehuus

R Baldev uut oons Berehuus

R Baldev uut oons Berehuus

R Vlinder's Populus uit het Berenbos

R Vlinder's Populus uit het Berenbos

R Vlinder's Aesculus uit het Berenbos

T Vlinder's Magnolia uit het Berenbos

T Vlinder's Magnolia uit het Berenbos

T Vlinder's Magnolia uit het Berenbos

R Vlinder's Sorbus uit het Berenbos

R Vlinder's Sorbus uit het Berenbos

R Vlinder's Sorbus uit het Berenbos

T Pearl Nuala Bär von der Gonheide

T Kenamu Bosum Friends with Fearless Bears

R Little Bears Endless Love

T Obush Shed Jakutija

R Obush Shed Jantarnyj Pozeluj

T Vercordia's Kirby

T Black Clouds Magic Moment at Stealbears

R Amadeus Mozart de Liberije

R Amadeus Mozart de Liberije

R Amadeus Mozart de Liberije

T Otrada Tschudnaja Moja iz Tihogo Omuta

T Okeanskaja Volna iz Tihogo Omuta

R Super Premium Zwezdotschet

T Super Premium Zolotaja Lilija

T Super Premium Znamenitoj Budu Ja

R Super Premium Zippi Sensejschen

R Super Premium Zi Zi Top

R Super Premium Zamorskij Prinz

R Oscar Wolf of the Weeping Willow

R Oscar Wolf of the Weeping Willow

R Oscar Wolf of the Weeping Willow

T Issey Miyake of the Weeping Willow

T Issey Miyake of the Weeping Willow

R Otschi Schgutschie Otschi Tschernye iz Tihogo Omuta

R Super Premium Zanzibar

R Skazotschnaja Kroha Marsel

R Skazotschnaja Kroha Medison

R Buddies for Ever Kristopher

T Qualuna von den Drömlingsbären

R Quiddje Flint von den Drömlingsbären

R Quentin Ben von den Drömlingsbären

R Quax von den Drömlingsbären

T Quadrophenia von den Drömlingsbären

T Queen Latifa von den Drömlingsbären

R Quando von den Drömlingsbären

T Little Mermaid vom Burgseeli

R Peter Pan vom Burgseeli

T Bambi vom Burgseeli

T Bambi vom Burgseeli

T Bambi vom Burgseeli

R Gold Coasts Jeffery At Mississippi-Missouri

T Spring Breeze vom Burgseeli

T Spring Breeze vom Burgseeli

T Bannow Osa

T Spring Beauty vom Burgseeli

T Spring of Love vom Burgseeli

T Spring of Love vom Burgseeli

T Spring of Love vom Burgseeli

T Echenna from Newfy's Paradise

T Eliza from Newfy's Paradise

T Eliza from Newfy's Paradise

T Eliza from Newfy's Paradise

T Elana from Newfy's Paradise

R Easy Denahi from Newfy's Paradise

R Easy Denahi from Newfy's Paradise

R Easy Denahi from Newfy's Paradise

T Mia von der Bernde

T Baysides Saydesails To Ashmoor

T Kadischa Vivan Los Novios

R Kyros Vivan Los Novios

T Karli Vivan Los Novios

T Karli Vivan Los Novios

R Ramses v.'t Grachtenhuuske

T La Maison de mon Ami Esmeralda

R La Maison de mon Ami Edwardo

T La Maison de mon Ami Endless

T La Maison de mon Ami Eleadora

R Beguschaya Po Volnam Zurbagan

R Beguschaya Po Volnam Zoom Zoom

R Beguschaya Po Volnam Zodiak

R Beguschaya Po Volnam Zillion

R Beguschaya Po Volnam Zero Kool

T Beguschaya Po Volnam Zefirin Druen

R Koby out of Fluffyshouse

R Kobus out of Fluffyshouse

R Kobus out of Fluffyshouse

R Kobus out of Fluffyshouse

T Abissha Bär vom Butzensee

T Abissha Bär vom Butzensee

T Piternyuf I Did It Again

R Greatfire Stalker iz Volotova

R Arkadij aus dem Bärengarten

T Incredible Witch vom Sterntal

T Henri und Elizas Queen Edelweiss

T Henri und Elizas Querida Marrón

T Henri und Elizas Querida Marrón

T Timberlands Candy Apple Black

T Naturel from a Precious Place

R Named Ivo from a Precious Place

T Numero Uno from a Precious Place

R New Companion from a Precious Place

R New Companion from a Precious Place

R New Emperor from a Precious Place

R No one but me from a Precious Place

T Kiwi de la Mare aux Joncs

T Kiwi de la Mare aux Joncs

R Sandor from Rimardiaro

R Sandor from Rimardiaro

R Sandor from Rimardiaro

R Chanto Ashley Sky v.d. Dörpsrand

T Safhira v.’t Amelterbos

T Safhira v.’t Amelterbos

T Sari v.’t Amelterbos

R Crissly Ashley Sky v.d. Dörpsrand

T Chanouk Ashley Luka v.d. Dörpsrand

T Cherina Ashley Luka v.d. Dörpsrand

T Calli Ashley Luka v.d. Dörpsrand

R Milagro from the Black Horse

R Moquae from the Black Horse

R Moquae from the Black Horse

T Magnifique from the Black Horse

T Magnifique from the Black Horse

R Glory Days of Thickish des Oursons de Svalbard

R Geronimo Espoir des Oursons de Svalbard

R Dante Bär vom Wildpark

R Duffel Bär vom Wildpark

R Dimas Bär vom Wildpark

T Dory Jamaica Bär vom Wildpark

R Drago Bär vom Wildpark

R Bill

T Beauty

T Queen v.h. Wijkse Bos

T Gold Bear v.h. Kraaieveld

T Gold Bear v.h. Kraaieveld

T Gold Bear v.h. Kraaieveld

T Udessa Jelängerjelieber

T Udessa Jelängerjelieber

T Udessa Jelängerjelieber

T Udessa Jelängerjelieber

T Udessa Jelängerjelieber

T Gerrya Jolieke v.h. Kraaieveld

T Gerrya Jolieke v.h. Kraaieveld

T Gerrya Jolieke v.h. Kraaieveld

T Finn en Co’s I’m A Believer

T Finn en Co’s I’m A Believer

T Finn en Co’s I’m A Believer

R Universe Jelängerjelieber

R Universe Jelängerjelieber

R Rgûn Magic v.d. Foekjuffer

R Rgûn Magic v.d. Foekjuffer

R Christobal-Ceno Bär vom Goldbach

T Charlotta Bär vom Goldbach

R Chamba Bär vom Goldbach

R Caruso Bär vom Goldbach

T Coco-Baika Bär vom Goldbach

T Darlisha Bär vom Goldbach

T Daphne Bär vom Goldbach

T Danubia Bär vom Goldbach

R Zhdanny Syn Vialiki Miadzvedz

T Midnight Ladys Top of The Line at Cayuga

T Wayshowers Alfakröll

T Kara Kiana Pro A'mor Fa'ti

T Kingsley of the Thatch Roof

R Cai v.d. Gasthuisbouwing

R Chikara v.d. Gasthuisbouwing

R Chikara v.d. Gasthuisbouwing

R Brauner Schokoladenmann vom Flowergarden

T Maya v.d. Turfhoeve

R Windancers Tommy Tucker

T Anny Bär vom Marienberg

R Ursinus Velutus Touch of Magic

T Quinta v.d. Portlandse Beer

T Quinta v.d. Portlandse Beer

R Quinto v.d. Portlandse Beer

R Quinto v.d. Portlandse Beer

T Super Premium Invisible

T Super Premium Italija

T Amira v.d. Knijpsbrug

T Wiske

T Cannon Bears Count To Ten

T Woezel

T Woezel

R Dobby

R Dobby

T Lana

R Love Me Tender Midnight Bear

R Like Father Like Son Midnight Bear

R Lscky Story Midnight Bear

R Robin Hood Bär von der Gonheide

R Robin Hood Bär von der Gonheide

R Pablo Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R Pronco Little Bear vom Aichemer Berg

R Pio Angelo Marrone Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R King Walter (Hagethorn)

T Florence v.h. Korenbloempad

T Florence v.h. Korenbloempad

T Florence v.h. Korenbloempad

T Florence v.h. Korenbloempad

R King Arthur (Hagethorn)

R King Arthur (Hagethorn)

R Key to Yoy (Hagethorn)

T Kalhysta (Hagethorn)

T Kryamanda (Hagethorn)

T Kissy Face (Hagethorn)

R Kuhigayi (Hagethorn)

R Key to Heart (Hagethorn)

R Begum's Paradies Grizzly Love

T Amelia-Aicka vom Brutus Bärentraum

R Gibraltar de Child of Brice

T Begum's Paradies Grace Love

T Godwin de Child of Brice

T Cuppendales Urzula

T Fantastitscheskaja Feja s Berega Dona

T Fartovaja Fischka s Berega Dona

T Feeritschnaja Fartunatussi s Berega Dona

R Flirtujuschtschij Frant s Berega Dona

R Fakturnyj Frukt s Berega Dona

T First Choice from a Precious Place

T First Choice from a Precious Place

R Free Spirit from a Precious Place

R Freedom from a Precious Place

T Kweenie

T Kweenie

R Oh Pinocchio vom Riesrand

T Pinu Schoko vom Menhardsweiler Tal

R Genius des Sentiers Normands

R Gabriels des Sentiers Normands

T Furide de Heicopper

T Ursinus Velutus Play The Game

T Mee-noi Pearl of the Sweet Lake

T Mee-noi Pearl of the Sweet Lake

T Black Bears Avenue's Sonata

T Black Bears Avenue's Sonata

T Black Bears Avenue's Sonata

T Very Fairweathers Youth Gone Wild

R King of Helluland Obvious Choice

T Nena v.d. Turfhoeve

T Nena v.d. Turfhoeve

T Nena v.d. Turfhoeve

R Nautic v.d. Turfhoeve

R Nautic v.d. Turfhoeve

R Nautic v.d. Turfhoeve

R Moon Brook Aristokrat

R Vercordia's Kyandro

R Vercordia's Kyandro

R Vercordia's Kyandro

R Ti-Amo v. Tiroca

T Tender Love v. Tiroca

T Tender Love v. Tiroca

T Tender Love v. Tiroca

T Touch of Magic v. Tiroca

T Touch of Magic v. Tiroca

T Chatkantarra Ximena

R Chatkantarra Xi Tauri

T Born To Be Alive of Newfoundland Hills

T Born To Be Happy Newfoundland Hills

R Be Free With Your Love Newfoundland Hills

T Born To Love The Newfoundland Hills

R Bey Word of Mouth Newfoundland Hills

R Bey Word of Mouth Newfoundland Hills

R Blu Emperor of Newfoundland Hills

R Rose Wanted G Croisé le Fer

T Rose Wanted Go Ahead

R Rose Wanted Gin

T Rose Wanted Grace Kelly Avec Sandbears

T Neska Polita's Flotte Lotte

R Mees aan de andere kant v/h Bos

R Lord-Byron Pro A'mor Fa'ti

R Lord-Byron Pro A'mor Fa'ti

T Naomi Nefretete Zaloga Nelsona

R Huckle Berry v.'t Stolzhof

R Huckle Berry v.'t Stolzhof

R Huckle Berry v.'t Stolzhof

T Haylay v.'t Stolzhof

T Haylay v.'t Stolzhof

R Mumbai v.h. Korenbloempad

R Mumbai v.h. Korenbloempad

R Tailwinds Rooster Cogburn

T Ryan Meg Bär vom Gelderland

R King of Helluland Phenomenon

R Kobe out of Fluffyshouse

T Basia Baloe v.d. Drentse Beren

T Bibi Djuba v.d. Drentse Beren

T Bibi Djuba v.d. Drentse Beren

T Bibi Djuba v.d. Drentse Beren

R Bronco Iron v.d. Drentse Beren

R Beär Berro v.d. Drentse Beren

R Beär Berro v.d. Drentse Beren

R Beär Berro v.d. Drentse Beren

R Bing Simba v.d. Drentse Beren

T Boginja Jaroslava v.d. Drentse Beren

T Boginja Jaroslava v.d. Drentse Beren

T Boginja Jaroslava v.d. Drentse Beren

T Bayka Kira v.d. Drentse Beren

T Bayka Kira v.d. Drentse Beren

T Bayka Kira v.d. Drentse Beren

T Coast Defence Newfoundland Hills

R Come of The Best Newfoundland Hills

T Stelamah Destined To Be News at Comfortcove

R Vertigo Ever Lasting Love for Inkomo

T Duscha-Deviza

T Vertigo Edited By Tribby at Inkomo

T Vertigo Eternal Flame Oolums

R Apache

R Apache

R Amaro

R Amaro

R Xandy Gold od Jihlavske Brany

R Grand Bleu des Oursons de Svalbard

T Mtn High Calypso

T Ollanda v.d. Turfhoeve

T Ollanda v.d. Turfhoeve

T Ollanda v.d. Turfhoeve

T Olleke v.d. Turfhoeve

T Olleke v.d. Turfhoeve

T Olleke v.d. Turfhoeve

T Olleke v.d. Turfhoeve

T Olleke v.d. Turfhoeve

R Mississippi-Missouri Opportunity Knocks

R Querido-Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R Quanah-Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R Quinlan-Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R Que Adoro Sam-Bär vom Aichemer Berg

R Pouch Coves Southwind Serendipity

T Fannjuf Terra Inkognita

R Fannjuf Tibul Schelannyj Dlja Ich Vysotschestva

T King of Helluland of Good Omen

T Ivory from the Foundy's Place

T Ilya from the Foundy's Place

T Indy from the Foundy's Place

R Il Divo from the Foundy's Place

R Il Divo from the Foundy's Place

R Il Divo from the Foundy's Place

R Ilandro from the Foundy's Place

T Ishvara from the Foundy's Place

T Pamina vom Riesrand

T Cape Lewisporte Kiss And Ride

T Cape Lewisporte Kiss And Ride

R Newfiesdog Gucci'n Gabbana

R Newfiesdog Gucci'n Gabbana

R Newfiesdog Gucci'n Gabbana

R Newfiesdog Gucci'n Gabbana

R Newfiesdog Goons

R Newfiesdog Goons

R Newfiesdog Godzilla

T Newfiesdog General Lee Gogo Girl

T Newfiesdog General Lee Gogo Girl

T Newfiesdog G'Aimee

T Newfiesdog G'Aimee

T Callistos Sleighing Song

T Callistos d´Aimer et d´Etre Aime

T Callistos Cool Runnings

R Callistos Dashing Through The Snow

R Callistos Blitzen

R Christalmarnewfy Xmas Prince Bavarian Teddy

R Christalmarnewfy Xmas Prince Bavarian Teddy