1-1-2003 t/m 31-12-2003
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R Mollegårdens New Sensation

T Birchbarks Fair Fredrika

T Black Nose Dancer Amo Aislinn Alice

R Sent Djons Dschudi

R Sent Djons Dali

T Sent Djons Dora

R August Baloe fan de Bearehûntsjes

R Amigo Bo fan de Bearehûntsjes

R Aqua Winner fan de Bearehûntsjes

R Abraham fan de Bearehûntsjes

T Amber Lady fan de Bearehûntsjes

T Verri The Arctic Wind

T Ushaya Silke v.h. Hoogveen

R Ustin Matisse v.h. Hoogveen

T Norkros Blue Odyssey

T Norkros Blue Fairy

R Norkros Black Babylon

T Billa Baxa z Ogrodów Ateny

R Thickish Newfoundland Knocking On Heavens Door

R Thickish Newfoundland Keeper of Freedom

R Abaloe v.d. Fluukse Veengronden

R Abaloe v.d. Fluukse Veengronden

R Abaloe v.d. Fluukse Veengronden

T Addona v.d. Fluukse Veengronden

T Fair Monza of Woodworker's Farm

R Fair Jari of Woodworker's Farm

R Fair Jari of Woodworker's Farm

R Fair Jari of Woodworker's Farm

T Fair Whoopi of Woodworker's Farm

R Arthos vom Ermstal

T Absolute v. Darius Land

R Adventurous v. Darius Land

R Aquarius v. Darius Land

R Caesar of The Thatch Roof at Charmedgift

R Papa Hacedors Jackass

T Wave Seekers World Premiere

T Björka v.h. Turfveld

T Björka v.h. Turfveld

T Björka v.h. Turfveld

R Chernomor iz Medvejyego Yara

T Channel Charm iz Medvejyego Yara

T Cayuga Get a Head of Bonaventura

T Cayuga Get a Head of Bonaventura

T Cheriti iz Medvejyego Yara

T Chelzis Vein iz Medvejyego Yara

T Chelesta iz Medvejyego Yara

T Charovnitsa iz Medvejyego Yara

T Charmon Etoile iz Medvejyego Yara

T Chansi iz Medvejyego Yara

T Wave Seekers Charmed One

R Fuji-Sans Panda vom Riesrand

T Un Paso Adelante de de l´Iliade et l´Odyssée

T Draugs Chanell Berlo

R Draugs Cooper Berlo

T Draugs Chokolate Berlo

T Draugs Connor Berlo

R Draugs Casper Berlo

T Marcarpents Molly of The Blue

T Marcarpents Georgie Girl

T Topmasts Holds A Ceilidh

T Emely-Eve vom Aichemer Berg

R Chateaunewfs Just William

R Chatkantarra Luque

T Marcarpents Maples Legacy

T Marcarpents Li´l Orphan Annie

R Whitewaters Spencer of Rarebear

R Potap Merlin

T Dulcie from the Black Horse

T Dulcie from the Black Horse

T Dulcie from the Black Horse

T Dior from the Black Horse

T Dior from the Black Horse

R Queenslands Ultimate Ozzy

R Un P'Tit-Boy Adonis de la Baie Bonavista

T Una de la Terre aux Loups

T New Image v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

T New Image v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

T New Image v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

R New Admiral v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

R New Admiral v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

R New Admiral v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

R New Sailor v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

T Zazyba Lav of Ovazija

T Zessi Fabiana Blek Fauna

R New General v. Nikita's Berenbrigade

R Garibaldi vom Riesrand

T Glorietta vom Riesrand

R Mag Ispolin Dionis

T Mag Ispolin Demetra

R Bud Junior

T Darling Sendy van Welatinès

R Cedric from the Bear Lake

T Geralis Uilsi Poliksena

R Castaar Du Jardin De L'Ours

R Pouch Coves Head of State

R Pouch Coves Raises the Bar

T Szara Strefa Shagala

R Diesel v. Rasta's Home

T Severtan Legenda Grazii

R Inserra Born To Win

R Inserra Big Bear

R Eros Menno Pearl of the Sweet Lake

R Diégo

R Diégo

R Diégo

R Padûce

R Padûce

R Padûce

T Fiora Pearl of the Sweet Lake

T Freule Esta Pearl of the Sweet Lake

T Freule Esta Pearl of the Sweet Lake

T Freule Esta Pearl of the Sweet Lake

T Eternally Yours off Kosa's Place

R Exquisite off Kosa's Place

T Especially Eeyore off Kosa's Place

R Shalowseas Pagliaccio

R Pablo vom Holtberg

T Peggy vom Holtberg

R Pollux vom Holtberg

T Princess Ayesha vom Holtberg

R Prince vom Holtberg

T La Toya von der Wässernach

T Newf Mermaid Caiko

R Blueberryhill Forever Henry

T Ostara Du Flint d' Empyrée

T Oreille-De-Souris d' Empyrée

R Febo de Shamal

R Gonzo v.d. Portlandse Beer

T Girl Nanouk v.d. Portlandse Beer

T Serra-do-mar Chelsie

T Serra-do-mar Chuma

T Serra-do-mar Chuma

T Darbydales Double Up Down Under

R Darbydales Is Now Shake´N Up Aus

T Bear-Acres Oreo

T Nala of the Weeping Willow

R Galant Ser Gamilton

T Gled Tu Si Dschipsi

T Gotika ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

T Gosposcha Udatscha ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

T Disney Amber v.h. Berenparadijs

T Heiress Parming von Schönbühl

R Django Kodiac v.h. Berenparadijs

R Django Kodiac v.h. Berenparadijs

T Fairweathers Easy Going Girl

T Fairweathers Eternal Flame

R Maple Creeks Make My Day

R Fairweathers Emperor

R Fairweathers Entertainer

T Maple Creeks Mamma Mia

T Vell Spirit Lillit

R Queenslands Vito Proud To Present

T Kerstins Demy Moore

T Emarron v.h. Turfveld

T Donna Karen ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

T Doltsche Vita ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

R Dodger ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

T Dikaja Orchidea ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

T Fine Fellow from Salina

R Fairweather Black Legend

R Indigo Jack von den Drömlingsbären

R Immo von den Drömlingsbären

T Djubilee Djuba v. Asbjørn

T Dancer v. Asbjørn

T Dana v. Asbjørn

T Djenn v. Asbjørn

R Egipetskij Pharaon iz Tihogo Omuta

T Helena v. Alten Thurm

T Bear-Acres Wendy

R Harry v. Alten Thurm

T Midnight Ladys Purple Rain at Rain Coast

R Midnight Ladys Pulsedriver at Starry Town

T Midnight Ladys Piece of My Heart

T Upsa de la Baie Blanche

T Blackwatch Ellemae of Dakota

T Blackwatchs Mary at Trieberg

T EE Velichestvo ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

T Evro Sjurprajz ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

R Ego Vysotschestvo ot Sibirskogo Medvedja

R High Secret Unavoidable

R High Secret Unavoidable

R Churchill Promise of Gold

T Obush Shed Efiopija

R Obush Shed Edison Nikol

R Hanningfield Big Beam

T Rose Wanted Ubiza

T Rose Wanted Ushuaia

T Rose Wanted U-Khan

T Uslada iz Zolotogo Treugolnika

T Why Not Pulcherimus

T Favorita

R Vercordia's Challe

R Summerfords Ever Vigilant

T Roeska v.'t Stolzhof

T Liberty's I'm Penelope

R Grizzly Beer v.'t Stolzhof

R Grizzly Beer v.'t Stolzhof

R Falco v.'t Stolzhof

R Rocky v.'t Stolzhof

R Nostra v.'t Stolzhof

R Reno v.'t Stolzhof

T Nuna v.'t Stolzhof

T Diva Droom v.'t Stolzhof

T Hummel v.'t Stolzhof

T Boo v.'t Stolzhof

R Ulcan de la Baie Bonavista

T Hey Mary Lou's Panda vom Riesrand

T Lotte v.d. Turfhoeve

R Millthorpe Sea Eagle at Kaijasholme

R Millthorpe Sea Harlequin

R Evanpark Bruce Almighty

R Evanpark Joe Black Meets Tynebears

R Evanpark Legend of The Fall at Priorscove

T Evanpark Virginia Wolfe

T Evanpark My Precious

T Esther vom Felsbachtal

T Umpa Lumpa des Oursons du Vent

T Umpa Lumpa des Oursons du Vent

R Ugly Bugly des Oursons du Vent

R Ugly Bugly des Oursons du Vent

R Up To You des Oursons du Vent

R Virtuous Boatswain Gabriel

R Blackwatchs Royal of Trieberg

T Umber Nikita v.d. Goudkust

T Ulyssa Yara v.d. Goudkust

T Midnight Ladys Runnin´ With The Devil

T Empress Melody Krolowej Morz

T Usirice de la Plume de Pam Noire

R Urice de La Plume de Pam Noire

T Unity de la Plume de Pam Noire

T Zukes Bizzy Bee

R Uxo de la Terre aux Loups

R Lifeguard Chief

T Ussy Kiwi du Bois des Elfes

R Baloe The Emperor's Companion

R Baloe The Emperor's Companion

R Baloe The Emperor's Companion

T Noa The Emperor's Companion

T Noa The Emperor's Companion

R Vudi

R Vlas

R Vajs

R Viola

R Pouch Coves Bowater After Dark

R Sany Severozapadni cesta

R Umi Bears Eros

R Umi Bears Eros

R Umi Bears Eros

T Umi Bears Enca

T Umi Bears Enca

T Umi Bears Enca

T Umi Bears Eschinta Sabia Duvessa

R Cayuga Hero of All of Bonaventura

T Cayuga Homecoming Queen

R Eddies Cove v.d. Mosa Flu

R Eddies Cove v.d. Mosa Flu

R Eddies Cove v.d. Mosa Flu

T Englee v.d. Mosa Flu

R Pouch Coves Too Close to Call

R Chounic's Sietse

T Nalle v. Tiroca

T Nalle v. Tiroca

T Evropa Vialiki Miadzvedz

R Ermak Vialiki Miadzvedz

R Elizar Vialiki Miadzvedz

T Efrosinja Vialiki Miadzvedz

T Fenya v. Uedem

T Ellis Ruciero

R Orongo-Simba v. Tiroca

R Elinois Ruciero

R Otello Dako v. Tiroca

R Otello Dako v. Tiroca

T Shakira Carino from Mariner's Place

R Mill Dream's Mio Diesel

R Mill Dream's Mio Diesel

R Mill Dream's Mio Diesel

T Umline du Domaine des Trois Fées

T Mill Dream's Mio Matcheka

T Mill Dream's Mio Matcheka

T Mill Dream's Mio Matcheka

R Seabrooks The Graduate

R Eddy vom Bärenhof

R Dutch Dream Bono von der Gonheide

R Dutch Dream Bono von der Gonheide

R Dutch Dream Bono von der Gonheide

T Good Advice from Salina

T Game Fairweather for Ljufa

T Sweetprincess

R Black Ruby

T Wilwarin-Pauline von der Ahne

R Wishart von der Ahne

T Sheridel Moneypenny